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Gunpla-Warfare【Exskills Secret parameter】

【Gunpla warfare】Ex skills Secret parameter!!

Hi, everyone in overseas! It’s been for a while, I’m Gunbre MAX. Today, I’d like to share an interesting information to you guys.


Amazingly, I found a secret parameter associating with EXskill levels! 

It is about the shield of Delta-Plus. I’ve investigated by comparing skill-level-1 with skill-level-10, which is the maximum skill-level.

The shield have no shot-attack status. And also, the pierce and the power is both D and C. However, I found out that the giving-damage of EXskill increases about 20 to 30% by the skill-level difference. And much more, if you could hit all the shots, you can give approx. 42 times damage then the normal-shots. Please have some try! 

Since I’ve found out this interesting fact, let’s try with Dreissen’s arms! This parts is super useful, so I recommend you guys to make it to star-4 at least! 

I will compare with skill-level-1 and 6. The giving-damage is like this in level-1. Then I will tune it up! Now it’s like this!

The original parameter doesn’t differ much with the tuned, like this,  It’s a bit sad about the fact that you will get stronger parts as you put more money, I think I was able to show everyone that the Power-C EXskill is still useful! So let’s keep on enjoying Gunpla-Warfare together with our favorite parts! See ya! 

I want to connect with people all over the world through games. I will continue to pick up useful information and upload English versions. We will add English subtitles, so please subscribe to our channel.


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